maandag 3 januari 2011

Don’t Skip Breakfast If You Want to Lose Weight

      In the morning, you may find that you are playing a continual game of “catch up.”  You’re rushing to the shower, rushing through traffic, rushing to work.  You may feel as if you don’t have time for breakfast, let alone a nutritious breakfast.  You may find that you’re just not hungry at that time of day, or you believe that you need to lose weight, so you skip breakfast altogether.  What you may not realize is that, by eliminating breakfast from your morning routine, you’re jeopardizing your health—and your waistline.
         There are a number of good reasons to eat breakfast, particularly if you are a dieter.  To begin with, the very act of eating breakfast can speed up your metabolism, which is critical to weight loss.  Think about it.  You may eat dinner around 6 p.m.  If you wait until lunch to eat again, as many as 18 hours might have passed.  Breakfast is therefore critical to your overall health and well-being.
         Another problem with skipping breakfast is that it tends to make you overeat at lunch.  Studies have shown that the vast majority of successful dieters do eat breakfast.  This may seem counter-intuitive, the idea that you must eat food in order to lose weight.  But the research shows clearly that that in fact is the case.   Breakfast can also aid your concentration.   A number of studies demonstrate that breakfast improves one’s focus, helping him or her at work or at school. 
            The type of breakfast you eat depends upon the diet you are pursuing.  You might choose a high fiber meal, such as cereal, or a high protein meal, such as scrambled eggs and ham.  Your breakfast should contain plenty of vitamins and minerals to help your body remain healthy throughout the day. 
              Another interesting aspect about breakfast is that it is a proven mood elevator.  This is quite important, since it is critical to remain positive when trying to lose weight.  Anything that you can do to lift your spirits—provided that it does not cause you to pack on the pounds—should be considered beneficial.  Also, breakfast sets the pattern for the day.  If you make healthy decisions at breakfast, you’re more likely to make the right decisions regarding the other meals of the day.
                One thing you should avoid at breakfast is eating something high in sugar, such as a sugary breakfast cereal.  While such a meal can lift your energy level temporarily, after a few hours, your energy level will drop again.  While it is always better to eat something than nothing, you should be careful in the food choices you make at breakfast.  
                  Breakfast can enhance the efficiency of the body, making it easier for you to burn fat.  This is true for both young and old, so make sure your children eat breakfast as well.    A smoothly-running body is a healthy body and one that is more likely to become lean over time.
                    At first glance, there appears to be no downside to eating breakfast.  However, it is important to issue a cautionary note.  Some people use breakfast as an opportunity to binge.  They figure that they can eat breakfast and then skip the rest of their meals.  However, this is not a healthy approach.  In order to work effectively, your body needs to eat regular meals.  Some diets call for three meals a day; others rely on five or six smaller meals eaten more frequently.  In any event, while breakfast may be your most important meal of the day it should not be your only meal of the day.
                Eating breakfast is a habit.  However, if you haven’t eaten breakfast in a while, it may be a difficult habit to get into.  The key to starting a healthy habit is persistence.  Try to eat something every morning, even if it’s only a little something.  Make sure that you have time to actually sit at the table and eat, rather than trying to eat breakfast on the run.  Scheduling time for breakfast means that you have made it a priority in your life.  If you follow this formula, you should be in a better position to lose weight over the long term.

The Atkins Method: Is it Right for You?

          Over the years, the Atkins plan has become synonymous with weight loss.  Fans of the program say that it has proven to be instrumental in helping them to shed unwanted pounds.  They talk of improved overall health and greater energy as a result of the Atkins program.  However, critics maintain that Atkins could lead to heart damage, making it an unhealthy diet. 
         Supporters of Atkins say just about anyone can slim down using their program.   However, there are certain people that are most likely to benefit from the Atkins plan.  These include yo-yo dieters, who find themselves losing weight, only to gain it back again; dieters who feel constantly hungry;  and those who eat for emotional reasons.  Binge eaters and constant snackers can also benefit from the Atkins program.   In addition, those who suffer from a food addiction are prime candidates for Atkins.
        Atkins relies heavily on proteins and fats, along with carbohydrates that are rich in nutrients.  The idea is to strictly reduce the amount of non-nutritious carbohydrates you consume.  The theory behind this is that, when carbs are restricted, you end up burning fat rather than glucose.   In addition, it has been shown that, all things being equal, you will lose more fat with Atkins than with other types of weight loss plans.
          The Atkins plan is divided into four stages.  During the initial stage, your body moves from burning carbohydrates to burning fats.  You should also be able to kick the sugar habit during this stage.  During the second stage, your weight loss will accelerate, but you will also be able to eat larger portions of vegetables.  In the third stage, known as pre-maintenance, you will continue to add more foods to the mix.   The final stage involves lifetime maintenance.   During this phase, you can continue to fight food addictions, maintain your goal weight, and decrease the chance that you will suffer from diabetes.
       However, it can be difficult to stick with the Atkins plan.  This is because the temptation to eat carbohydrates and sweets is so great.  Friends and relatives can become diet saboteurs, preventing you from achieving the results you’re looking for.  In this case, the best defense is a good offense.  This means telling your significant others in advance that you’re determined to complete the Atkins program.  Inform them that you don’t want to even be offered French fries and potato chips. 
         The Journal of the American Medical Association has suggested that the Atkins plan can be dangerous for children.  This is not surprising, considering that young people are still growing and need all the nutrients they can get, whether the vitamins and minerals are from carbohydrates or other sources.  Supporters of Atkins say that, while children may not benefit from a restriction of vegetables and fruits, they could consume fewer potatoes and breads and still remain healthy.
        Some medical experts say that the Atkins approach is not appropriate for people who already suffer from kidney or liver trouble.  Also, because Atkins reduces the amount of fruits and vegetables an individual consumes, the diet can leave people at greater risk for such problems as cancer and heart disease.  As a result, you should probably check with your family physician before resorting to the Atkins plan, or any other low-carb, high-protein diet.
           It is likely that the Atkins plan will remain controversial for the foreseeable future.  While it has been proven effective in helping people lose weight, it may also place individuals at a higher risk for serious diseases.  A great deal of additional research needs to be conducted in order to determine if Atkins is a miracle cure or a medical nightmare.  Once more studies are conducted, the long-term effects of Atkins on the human body may be easier to determine.    If you are generally in good health and have a normal energy level, you might give Atkins a try.  If, however, you suffer from any serious diseases, or are experiencing symptoms such as high blood pressure, you might consider an alternative diet plan.  In the end, you, in consultation with your doctor, will have to determine the diet program that’s appropriate in your particular case. 

Food Addiction: A Craving You Can’t Seem to Control

You may overdose on potato chips or tortilla chips once in a while, but would you consider yourself to be a food addict?  The answer is important, because it could be the key to determining what course of action you need to take in order to lose weight.  A number of medical experts say that food addiction is just as serious as nicotine or cocaine addiction—and can potentially be just as deadly.

         When you suffer from food addiction, you have an overwhelming desire for a particular food.  The desire is so strong, in fact, that if you are unable to consume that food, you suffer from withdrawal symptoms such as headaches, nausea, and depression.   Food addicts crave the comfort that a particular food gives them.  They also may engage in binge eating.   Their cravings for food may be both physical and psychological.

       It should be pointed out that there are different varieties of food addiction.  For instance, there is compulsive overeating, where an individual goes on eating binges that can last several days.   The addict may sometimes lose weight, but tends to gain it back again.   Symptoms include eating quickly, compulsively eating alone, and eating when there is no evidence of hunger.

         Yet another form of addiction is bulimia, in which an individual overeats, then purges either by vomiting or by taking laxatives.   Signs of this condition include isolating oneself when eating, trying to consume huge portions of food rapidly, and being preoccupied with one’s weight.

         Food addiction can also come in the form of anorexia, where an individual attempts to starve oneself in order to achieve an unrealistic weight.  Anorexics tend to be 15 percent below normal body weight and have a phobia about being fat.  They have difficulty eating with other people and appear to be obsessed with weight.  They may engage in ritualistic behavior involving food and may suffer from depression.

      The good news is that food addiction can be successfully treated.  This treatment can come in a variety of forms.  A food addict may work with a psychotherapist to develop new ways to deal with food and his or her emotions.  The therapist might be able to identify the source of the individual’s fear or anger—the reason behind the individual’s addiction.   In the majority of cases, the psychologist will help the individual to develop a treatment plan which spells out expectations and goals, both for the short-term and the long-term.   In the most serious cases, an individual may have to undergo in-patient treatment at a psychological facility.   Treatment often involves helping the individual to return to healthy eating methods, dealing with the underlying emotional causes of addiction, and learning effective coping techniques.

           Food addicts often follow the tenets of the same kind of 12-step program used by alcoholics.  This involves admitting their powerlessness over food, their belief that they could be restored to sanity, and an admission of their faults and failings.  In addition, food addicts often draw strength from support groups made up of people who have similar difficulties dealing with food.  Just knowing that there are other people who face the same challenges can be incredibly therapeutic.

       It is unclear at this point whether food addiction is a genetically-based illness.  Certainly, however, there is evidence of eating patterns being passed down from one generation to the next.  In fact, many food addicts may only seek help after they have determined that their illness could adversely affect their children.

       It is entirely possible that a food addiction can never be cured, that it can only be treated.  In other words, the recovery period for the addiction can last a lifetime.  However, one should never lose hope of beating a food addiction.  With patience and with time, individual addicts can learn the behavioral skills which will enable them to keep their weight under control.  Of course, there will be times when individuals will be tempted to indulge in sweets or excessive carbohydrates.  However, knowing the pain that they will undergo if they continue their harmful eating habits could be just the incentive they need to stay the course.

Water: The Hidden Diet Ingredient

     Water is vital for our survival.  But it can also be critical in helping you lose weight.  When beginning a weight loss program, many people fail to incorporate enough water into their diet, causing them to lose the benefits that water can provide.  As a result, they don’t lose as much weight as they should.
        It has been said that water is a natural way to counteract hunger pains.  When you drink water, you tend to “feel full” quite quickly.  It also flushes out your system, allowing your body to rid itself of harmful toxins.  Water can also boost your energy level and improve your metabolism, allowing you to consume calories more quickly.
        Research indicates that hunger and thirst may be inextricably linked.  That means that at times, you may think that you’re hungry, while actually you’re thirsty.  Drinking water during those periods can help you to feel satiated without expanding your waistline.    As a result, by consuming water, you may feel less of a need to eat.
           You might be wondering, however, how much water is enough.  Generally speaking, you should be drinking eight ounce glasses of water eight times a day.  However, if you are heavier, you might actually require more water than that.  It has been proven that obese people need more water than thin people.  You should probably check with your health care provider to determine how much water is right for you.  You should also be sure to drink water when you are exercising in order to replace fluids that you lose through perspiration.
            Of course, you may not enjoy the taste of water, particularly tap water.  As a result, you might consider drinking water flavored with lemon, eating soup, or consuming fruits high in water content.   Water can combat high blood pressure and can decrease your cholesterol levels.  It can also be a remedy against water retention, kidney trouble, skin problems, and migraines.  It may even help to prevent cancer.
            Water can also enhance your muscle tone, helping you to achieve a more clearly defined physique.  Therefore, it is particularly important that you drink a great deal of water if you enter into a strength training program.  You cannot expect your muscles to work properly if you do not hydrate them with water.
               The temperature of your water can also make a significant difference.  It is believed that water that is cold is digested faster than water that is of a higher temperature.  In fact, water that is relatively cold in temperature can actually serve as a calorie-burner.
                You may be surprised to learn that your body is comprised of nearly 70 percent water.  Therefore, water is crucial for the proper functioning of your metabolism.  Water can also help to regulate your body temperature, enabling your body to work more effectively.
                 Certain symptoms will emerge if you’re not consuming enough water.  For instance, you may find it difficult to concentrate.  You may also have a constant feeling of being tired.  You may be constipated or experience dry skin.  At times, you may also feel constipated and you may notice that you’re not passing as much urine as you should.
          Of course, if you are not getting enough water in your diet, the remedy is simple—just turn on the tap and let it flow.  However, realistically, it can be difficult to get into the water habit.  Therefore, you might have to trick your body into drinking water.  How do you do this?  To begin with, you should consider drinking a glass of water as soon as you get up in the morning.  This will ensure that you are getting your day off to a healthy start.  Have a drink in mid-morning and another right before lunch.  If you drink a cup with lunch, you will have already had half of your daily water requirements.  Have a drink in the mid-afternoon, another at dinner, one after dinner, and one right before bed.  In this way, you will likely be getting all the water your body needs.  Try this experiment for a few weeks, and you may be amazed at the difference you see in your health and appearance.